One Book July 2022 / Junk Journal July 2022

retro kitchen set

Sooo... just dumping some thoughts as it's that time of year again to figure out my planner future for the month of July or more.

Squirrel thoughts on organizing my plans for the upcoming second half of the year.

  • I suck at keeping a weekly calendar
  • Monthly calendars allow for a big picture view, even if it's just for going back to post-plan or memory keep
  • Post-it Notes: because I'm non-committal 
  • I have no idea how to separate my work and home and design plans
    • one notebook - max portability
    • two separate notebooks, would be idea but have yet to make it work
    • three or more books depending on what type of design project it is?
      • would be great if I could carry all of them, all of the time o_0
  • Digitals would be great, digitals take forever to make
  • Softbound books with fewer pages work better than thick, hardcover planners or notebooks 
  • G2 friendly paper, not so smooth that everything smudges :p
  • Junk Journaling would give a reason to clear out some of my prized junk paper collection

What else am I missing?



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